Policy Query Python Module

This is the module for quering the Policy service.

This module exports classes and methods for interacting with the designated Pacifica Policy server.

class pacifica.uploader.metadata.policyquery.PolicyQuery(user, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Handle quering the policy server.

Instances of this class represent queries to the designated Pacifica Policy server.

__init__(user, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Set the policy server url and define any data for the query.

The HTTP end-point for the policy server is automatically pulled either from the system environment or from the keyword arguments, **kwargs.


Set the url from the parts in self.

static fromjson(json_str)[source]

Import json string to self.


Get results from the Policy server for the query.

This method returns a JSON object that is the result set for a query to the Pacifica Policy server, i.e., the entities that match the criteria that is represented by the associated instance of the pacifica.uploader.metadata.PolicyQuery.PolicyQueryData class.


Get the user id.


Set the user for the current PolicyQuery.


Export self to json.


Check the metadata object against the ingest API.

This method validates the given instance of pacifica.uploader.metadata.MetaData, md_obj, against the Pacifica Policy server endpoint.

class pacifica.uploader.metadata.policyquery.PolicyQueryData[source]

Policy query data elements for policy query requests.

This class is a sub-class of the collections.namedtuple class. This class is used directly against the Pacifica Uploader Policy endpoint.


alias of pacifica.uploader.metadata.policyquery.PolicyQueryData


Mangle the decode of the policy query object.


Move the from_table to just from.