Source code for pacifica.uploader.metadata.policyquery

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is the module for quering the Policy service.

This module exports classes and methods for interacting with the designated
`Pacifica Policy <>`_ server.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import json
import logging
from collections import namedtuple
from .mjson import generate_namedtuple_encoder, generate_namedtuple_decoder
from .metadata import metadata_encode
from ..common import CommonBase

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_PolicyQueryData = namedtuple('PolicyQueryData', QUERY_KEYS)
# Set the defaults to None for these attributes
_PolicyQueryData.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(_PolicyQueryData._fields)

[docs]class PolicyQueryData(_PolicyQueryData): """ Policy query data elements for policy query requests. This class is a sub-class of the `collections.namedtuple` class. This class is used directly against the `Pacifica Uploader Policy <>`_ endpoint. """ pass
[docs]class PolicyQuery(CommonBase): """ Handle quering the policy server. Instances of this class represent queries to the designated `Pacifica Policy <>`_ server. """ pq_data = None user_id = None _proto = None _addr = None _port = None _uploader_path = None _ingest_path = None _uploader_url = None _ingest_url = None _auth = None
[docs] def set_user(self, user): """Set the user for the current PolicyQuery.""" try: self.user_id = int(user) except ValueError: id_check = PolicyQuery( user=-1, columns=['_id'], from_table='users', where={'network_id': user}, auth=self._auth ) self.user_id = id_check.get_results()[0]['_id']
[docs] def get_user(self): """Get the user id.""" return self.user_id
[docs] def _set_url_from_parts(self): """Set the url from the parts in self.""" for url_part in ['uploader', 'ingest']: if not getattr(self, '_{}_url'.format(url_part)): url_str = '{}://{}:{}{}'.format( self._proto, self._addr, self._port, getattr(self, '_{}_path'.format(url_part)) ) setattr(self, '_{}_url'.format(url_part), url_str)
[docs] def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs): """ Set the policy server url and define any data for the query. The HTTP end-point for the policy server is automatically pulled either from the system environment or from the keyword arguments, `**kwargs`. """ self._server_url( [ ('proto', 'http'), ('port', 8181), ('addr', ''), ('uploader_path', '/uploader'), ('ingest_path', '/ingest'), ('uploader_url', None), ('ingest_url', None) ], 'POLICY', kwargs ) self._set_url_from_parts() self._setup_requests_session() self._auth = kwargs.pop('auth', {}) LOGGER.debug('Policy URL %s auth %s', self._uploader_url, self._auth) # global sential value for userid if user != -1: self.set_user(user) self.pq_data = PolicyQueryData( user=self.get_user(), *args, **kwargs) else: self.pq_data = PolicyQueryData(user=-1, **kwargs)
[docs] def tojson(self): """Export self to json.""" return json.dumps(self.pq_data, cls=PolicyQueryDataEncoder)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromjson(json_str): """Import json string to self.""" pq_data = json.loads(json_str, cls=PolicyQueryDataDecoder) pq_dict = pq_data._asdict() user = pq_dict.pop('user', -1) return PolicyQuery(user, **pq_dict)
[docs] def get_results(self): """ Get results from the Policy server for the query. This method returns a JSON object that is the result set for a query to the `Pacifica Policy <>`_ server, i.e., the entities that match the criteria that is represented by the associated instance of the ``pacifica.uploader.metadata.PolicyQuery.PolicyQueryData`` class. """ headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} LOGGER.debug('Policy Query Uploader %s', self.tojson()) reply = self._uploader_url, headers=headers, data=self.tojson(), **self._auth) LOGGER.debug('Policy Result Uploader %s', reply.content) return reply.json()
[docs] def valid_metadata(self, md_obj): """ Check the metadata object against the ingest API. This method validates the given instance of ``pacifica.uploader.metadata.MetaData``, ``md_obj``, against the `Pacifica Policy <>`_ server endpoint. """ headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} LOGGER.debug('Policy Query Ingest %s', metadata_encode(md_obj)) reply = self._ingest_url, headers=headers, data=metadata_encode(md_obj), **self._auth) LOGGER.debug('Policy Result Ingest %s', reply.content) return reply.json()
##################################################################### # The from key in the json data is for the policy server. # It's also a keyword in python so it needs to be handled correctly #####################################################################
[docs]def _mangle_encode(obj): """Move the from_table to just from.""" obj['from'] = obj.pop('from_table')
[docs]def _mangle_decode(**json_data): """Mangle the decode of the policy query object.""" json_data['from_table'] = json_data.pop('from') return PolicyQueryData(**json_data)
PolicyQueryDataEncoder = generate_namedtuple_encoder( PolicyQueryData, _mangle_encode) PolicyQueryDataDecoder = generate_namedtuple_decoder(_mangle_decode)