Meta Update Python Module

Module used to update MetaData objects.

This module exports classes and methods for constructing and executing the strategy for modifying the values, including the parents and children, of instances of the pacifica.uploader.metadata.MetaData class.

class pacifica.uploader.metadata.metaupdate.MetaUpdate(user, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Class to update the MetaData object.

This class is a sub-class of the pacifica.uploader.metadata.MetaData class that is specialized to issue and handle queries to Pacifica Policy servers.

__init__(user, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Pull the user from the arguments so we can use that for policy queries.


Get the dependent meta ID.


Return the directory prefix of the MetaObjs which have directoryOrder.


Return the auth object to be used by other instances.


Build a PolicyQuery out of the meta_id.

This method creates a pacifica.uploader.metadata.PolicyQuery object that queries the policy server and returns the results.


Update the parents of the meta_id.

class pacifica.uploader.metadata.metaupdate._NoCopyDict[source]

A dictionary that shouldn’t be copied.