Source code for pacifica.uploader.metadata.mjson

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Encode and decode objects into json.

This module exports generators for encoding and decoding
instances of the `collections.namedtuple` class using the JSON data format.
import json

[docs]def strip_obj(obj): """Remove all keys who's values are False.""" # we are ignoring return of expression we want the side affect # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned [obj.pop(x) for x in list(obj.keys()) if obj[x] is None]
# pylint: enable=expression-not-assigned
[docs]def generate_namedtuple_encoder(cls, mangle=strip_obj): """ Return a namedtuple encoder for class cls. Generate a sub-class of ``json.JSONEncoder``, which encodes the instances of ``cls`` as a JSON object. """ class NamedTupleEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Class to encode a cls into json.""" def encode(self, o): """Encode the cls into a json hash.""" if isinstance(o, cls): obj = o._asdict() mangle(obj) return json.dumps(obj) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o) return NamedTupleEncoder
[docs]def generate_namedtuple_decoder(cls): """ Return a namedtuple decoder for the class cls. Generate a sub-class of ``json.JSONDecoder``, which decodes a JSON object into an instance of ``cls``. """ class NamedTupleDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): """Class to decode a json string into a cls object.""" # pylint: disable=arguments-differ def decode(self, str_obj): """Decode the string into a MetaObj object.""" json_data = json.loads(str_obj) if isinstance(json_data, dict): return cls(**json_data) raise TypeError('Unable to turn {} into a dict'.format(str_obj)) # pylint: enable=arguments-differ return NamedTupleDecoder