Source code for pacifica.uploader.metadata.metadata

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""MetaData class to handle input and output of metadata format."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
import json
from collections import namedtuple
from .mjson import generate_namedtuple_encoder, generate_namedtuple_decoder

[docs]class MetaData(list): """ Class to hold a list of MetaObj and FileObj objects. This class is a sub-class of ``list`` that implements the index protocol (``__getitem__``, ``__setitem__`` and ``__delitem__``) as a proxy to the indices of the value of the ``metaID`` field of the associated instance of the ``pacifica.uploader.metadata.MetaObj`` class. Instances of this class are upper-level objects that provide the metadata for interacting with the designated `Pacifica Ingest <>`_ server. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Call the super constructor and add a metaID index to it as well.""" super(MetaData, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._meta_index_map = {} if args: for key in range(len(args[0])): item = args[0][key] if getattr(item, 'metaID', False): self._meta_index_map[item.metaID] = key
def __delitem__(self, key): """Delete the item from the array and hash.""" item = self[key] super(MetaData, self).__delitem__(key) if getattr(item, 'metaID', False): del self._meta_index_map[item.metaID] def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set the item and if metaID exists save the index into a map.""" old_val = self[key] if isinstance(key, int): true_key = key else: if getattr(value, 'metaID', False): true_key = int(self._meta_index_map[old_val.metaID]) else: raise IndexError('No metaID {}'.format( getattr(value, 'metaID', False))) super(MetaData, self).__setitem__(true_key, value) if getattr(old_val, 'metaID', False): del self._meta_index_map[old_val.metaID] if getattr(value, 'metaID', False): self._meta_index_map[value.metaID] = true_key def __getitem__(self, key): """Get the node based on metaID.""" if isinstance(key, int): return super(MetaData, self).__getitem__(key) if key in self._meta_index_map: return self[self._meta_index_map[key]] raise IndexError('No such key {}'.format(key))
[docs] def append(self, value): """Append the value to the list.""" super(MetaData, self).append(value) if getattr(value, 'metaID', False): self._meta_index_map[value.metaID] = len(self) - 1
[docs] def extend(self, iterable): """Extend the array from the values in iterable.""" for value in iterable: self.append(value)
[docs] def remove(self, value): """Remove the value from the list.""" super(MetaData, self).remove(value) if getattr(value, 'metaID', False): del self._meta_index_map[value.metaID]
[docs] def pop(self, key=-1): """Remove the key from the list and return it.""" if key == -1: key = len(self) - 1 value = super(MetaData, self).pop(key) if getattr(value, 'metaID', False): del self._meta_index_map[value.metaID] return value
[docs] def insert(self, key, value): """Insert the value to the list.""" super(MetaData, self).insert(key, value) for ikey, ivalue in self._meta_index_map.items(): if ivalue >= key: self._meta_index_map[ikey] = ivalue + 1 if getattr(value, 'metaID', False): self._meta_index_map[value.metaID] = key
[docs] def is_valid(self): """Return true if all the values of MetaObjs are something.""" return set([bool(obj.value) for obj in self if isinstance(obj, MetaObj)]) == set([True])
META_KEYS = [ 'sourceTable', 'destinationTable', 'metaID', 'displayType', 'displayTitle', 'queryDependency', 'valueField', 'queryFields', 'displayFormat', 'key', 'value', 'directoryOrder', 'query_results' ] _MetaObj = namedtuple('MetaObj', META_KEYS) # Set the defaults to None for these attributes _MetaObj.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(_MetaObj._fields)
[docs]class MetaObj(_MetaObj): """ MetaObj class holding a specific metadata element. Instances of this class represent units of metadata whose representation is disjoint to a file, i.e., units of metadata that are describe but are not stored as part of a file. """ pass
FILE_KEYS = [ 'destinationTable', 'name', 'source', 'subdir', 'size', 'hashtype', 'hashsum', 'mimetype', 'ctime', 'mtime' ] _FileObj = namedtuple('FileObj', FILE_KEYS) # Set the defaults to None for these attributes _FileObj.__new__.__defaults__ = (None,) * len(_FileObj._fields)
[docs]class FileObj(_FileObj): """ FileObj class for holding file metadata. Instances of this class represent individual files, including both the data and metadata for the file. During a file upload, instances of this class are automatically associated with new instances of the ``pacifica.uploader.metadata.MetaData`` class. The above named fields are identical to those of the ``pacifica.metadata.orm.Files`` class, provided by the `Pacifica Metadata <>`_ library. """ pass
[docs]def file_or_meta_obj(**json_data): """Determine if this is a File or Meta object and return result.""" if json_data.get('destinationTable') == 'Files': return FileObj(**json_data) return MetaObj(**json_data)
MetaObjEncoder = generate_namedtuple_encoder(MetaObj) FileObjEncoder = generate_namedtuple_encoder(FileObj) MetaObjDecoder = generate_namedtuple_decoder(file_or_meta_obj)
[docs]class MetaDataEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """Class to encode a MetaData object into json."""
[docs] def encode(self, o): """Encode the MetaData object into a json list.""" if isinstance(o, MetaData): json_parts = [] for mobj in o: if not hasattr(mobj, 'destinationTable'): return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, mobj) encoder_class = FileObjEncoder if mobj.destinationTable == 'Files' else MetaObjEncoder json_parts.append(json.loads( json.dumps(mobj, cls=encoder_class))) return json.dumps(json_parts) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
[docs]class MetaDataDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): """Class to decode a json string into a MetaData object.""" # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def decode(self, s): """Decode the string into a MetaData object.""" json_data = json.loads(s) if isinstance(json_data, list): return MetaData([MetaObjDecoder().decode(json.dumps(obj)) for obj in json_data]) raise TypeError('Unable to turn {} into a list'.format(s))
[docs]def metadata_decode(json_str): """ Decode the json string into MetaData object. This method deserializes the given JSON source, ``json_str``, and then returns a new instance of the ``pacifica.uploader.metadata.MetaData`` class. The new instance is automatically associated with new instances of the ``pacifica.uploader.metadata.MetaObj`` and ``pacifica.uploader.metadata.FileObj`` classes. """ return json.loads(json_str, cls=MetaDataDecoder)
[docs]def metadata_encode(md_obj): """ Encode the MetaData object into a json string. This method encodes the given instance of the ``pacifica.uploader.metadata.MetaData`` class, ``md_obj``, as a JSON object, and then returns its JSON serialization. Associated instances of the ``pacifica.uploader.metadata.MetaObj`` and ``pacifica.uploader.metadata.FileObj`` classes are automatically included in the JSON object and the resulting JSON serialization. """ return json.dumps(md_obj, cls=MetaDataEncoder)